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 Lucas: 165-91
 Chris: 160-96
 Sports Guy: 118-129-9
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 May 20, 2006 - 09:50 AM | chris

Last night we took in our first of 2 Royals games this year and saw them play their arch-rivals(?) the Cardinals. I question the rivalry because when living in the STL I never heard much about the Royals, but here it seems to be a bigger deal.

The game had everything, including a 5-0 deficit turned Cardinals victory, a Pujols home run, and a streaker in boxers getting tackled on the field by security. One highlight, though, was a skit put on between innings where a "crazy Cardinals fan" stole the Royals' 1985 World Series banner and ran around on the field with it until being tackled by Sluggerrr (no, I didn't just add those extra r's, that's really how it's spelled), the Royals' mascot.

It seems rather silly that Royals fans cling to that victory, and there were even chants of "19-85" in the same manner as Yankees fans used to razz Sox fans with "19-18" until their team pulled off the biggest choke job in major league history and blew a 3-0 lead in the ALCS. I know plenty of Cardinals fans, and I don't know a single one who is jealous of Royals fans for their team's successes.

 May 16, 2006 - 05:43 PM | chris
Life Imitates Art

Does anyone else find it alternately amusing and disturbing that the past 2 months has mirrored a Simpsons episode almost word-for-word? I'm referring to the episode where, after his poll numbers plummet due to excessive spending on an unnecessary "Bear Patrol", Mayor Quimby invents an issue with immigration to divert the public's attention from his previous failings.

At one point in the episode, Moe the bartender even complains in broken English that the worst part about the "immigants" [sic] is that they "don't even bothers to learns the language". I was reminded of this exact line by President Bush, he of the "is our children learning?", who in his address last night proposed a plan to require that all immigrants know English in order to become American citizens.

I don't necessarily disagree with his logic, that those who know English have more job opportunities in this country, I just think that this would be dangerously close to the first step towards a national language, national religion, etc. That and the fact that before about a month ago no one heard a single word about any immigration problem.

So what's next for President Bush? Winning an elephant on a radio show? Going into space? Stealing a trillion dollar bill from Fidel Castro? At least we know that no matter how far his ratings fall, he'll be off the air in 2 years.

 May 07, 2006 - 03:41 PM | chris

Stephen Colbert's show on Comedy Central is getting to be better than The Daily Show. The amazing thing about both shows is that they continue to find people to interview that don't know that they're being mocked the entire time. With the Daily Show, it's usually small-town folks who have never seen the show, but on the Colbert Report he manages to sarcastically interview conservatives and other crazies (like Caitlin Flanagan, the anti-feminist who encouraged women to stay home and be housewives...while she is out promoting a book and writing columns for the New Yorker) who mistake his goading hyperbole for actual support and agreement. Have they not seen his other segments on the show, where he basically takes a conservative viewpoint and extends it to the absurd extreme?