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 June 21, 2004 - 10:07 PM | chris
Do I Hear One Dollar? Going Once? Going Twice?

In a story straight out of an episode of Boston Public (literally), a wonky British teenager is trying to sell his virginity on the internet for $16,000. I don't know where to begin with this guy. He's a nerdy 19-year-old who claimed that he "had not had time for a girlfriend due to various multimedia projects", yet women are lining up for a "once in a lifetime opportunity". If women all over the world are really guillible enough to think that it's worth paying $16,000 to have sex with a computer geek, send them my way. Not for the sex, but I have $35,000,000 (Million) that I obtained from various investments that I need to move out of Nigeria and into a US bank account before the new military leader takes my family hostage, and I could use some help...


Wow. I can't believe he actually got offers (supposedly). There's nothing wrong with computer nerds, of course, but why would anyone pay that much to have sex with anyone? Must be some weird mixture of pity, curiousity, and stupidity.

And how exactly would you determine the price you would charge for such an event?

Posted by: Eileen at June 22, 2004 1:16 AM

Have you seen his webpage?

Posted by: david at June 22, 2004 7:21 AM

I think we're all thinking about this the wrong way — I doubt the people bidding on this guy could be getting sex without paying for it. So it's essentially one sexually unattractive person paying another sexually unattractive person for something they both want and/or need.

Posted by: Rachel at June 22, 2004 1:43 PM

Ok, so based on the website there is definitely something wrong with this particular computer nerd, or as he would say "creatively eccentric." I take back my earlier comment. I also find it ironic that he has the audacity to call other people "pathetic losers."

Posted by: Eileen at June 22, 2004 1:59 PM